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Professional Development

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Foundations of Engineering Science

Course Details

Course/Module Code





24-25 Accredited 45 credits



24-25 Non-Accredited 45 credits



Course Dates

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If no course dates are shown below this could be due to high demand or no availability. If your course is being funded by your employer and they have bought places in advance you will need to contact them to be given the links to apply.

Course Dates

Course Information : CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 6/9/23 - unless already full UWE on campus attendance: Demo & Practical Block: 6 – 10 Jan 2024 (Times TBC). On Campus Assessment: 10 Jan 2025 Online Sessions: Online Block: 25-27 Sep 24 Weekly Sessions: Every Wednesday running from 2 Oct – 11 Dec 2024 (Session 1 09:00 – 10:00, Session 2 14:30 – 15:30) PLEASE NOTE: once your application status is showing as registered, it will take up to 5 working days for your login details for MyUWE to be issued by email. Please only contact us if you have not received after this time






Assessment for this level 4 module will comprise:

  • an online assignment
    Five on-line, timed, algorithmically generated, tests (20 minutes each) with questions that will be directly aligned with the taught material.
  • presentation
    A 15-minute recorded presentation which will be assessment as learning for the content in the module. 



Careers/further study

This module contributes to the BSc(Hons) Healthcare Science.


The course syllabus will typically include the following:

General Engineering Practice

  • Introduction to the Engineering Mathematics
  • Introduction to Computer Aided Design and Simulation
  • Introduction to simple Electrical, & Mechanical Measurements and Safety
  • Introduction to the basic properties of materials

Mechanical Engineering Principles

  • Introduction to Static Mechanics
  • Introduction to Linear Dynamic Mechanics
  • Introduction to Rotational Dynamic Mechanics
  • Introduction to Work Energy and Power in Mechanical Systems

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Principles

  • Introduction to Electrical and Magnetic Fields
  • Introduction to Circuit Analysis
  • Introduction to Circuit-control and Semi-conductors
  • Introduction to Work, Energy and Power in Electrical Systems

Engineering Materials and Fluid Principles

  • Introduction to the Effects of Forces on materials
  • Introduction to the Optical properties of materials
  • Introduction to Thermal properties of materials
  • Introduction to Fluid Dynamics

Course Director

Rob Bauld


This 45 credit module, Foundations of Engineering Science, aims to ensure that all apprentices have the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to describe and communicate engineering concepts in order to be effective in professional engineering practice.

As an introductory module, it will provide:

  • an overview of the electrical, mechanical and chemical principles that underpin engineering science.
  • reinforce how these can be described and modelled numerically through discrete calculations and the use of Computer Aided Design tools.
  • ensure that the apprentices have the requisite hand skills and practical aptitude for routine engineering tasks.

On successful completion of this level 4 module, you will be able to:

  • describe, explain and calculate electromagnetic, mechanical and chemical properties in order to support routine Engineering Practice.    
  • identify and explain basic electrical & electronic components, combinations & systems in order to support routine Engineering Practice.    
  • identify and explain objectively basic structures & mechanisms and their interaction in order to support routine Engineering Practice.    
  • identify and explain objectively basic material and fluid properties and explain how they can be applied to support routine Engineering Practice.    
  • apply the knowledge and skills to select and use appropriate tools (including Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages) for measurement and operations in order to support routine Engineering Practice.    
  • apply the knowledge and skills to interpret and produce technical documentation (including Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages) for effective engineering communication in order to support routine Engineering Practice.

Learning and Teaching

This module will be delivered via a blended approach of on-campus practical and skills development activities held during block release weeks, and online lectures, seminars and tutorials, held throughout the academic term. It will involve both asynchronous and synchronous content.

Synchronous material will include:

  • Practical lab and workshop sessions in the block release weeks.
  • Online lectorials and seminars that will concentrate on the threshold concept for that session.
  • Instructor-led tutorials with worked examples of typical assessment questions.

Asynchronous material will include:

  • A set of notes that can be downloaded and referred to throughout the rest of the programme.
  • Pre-recorded, interactive material that will explain and demonstrate all of the content in the syllabus.
  • Algorithmically generated question sets for practice of numerical methods.
  • Directed practice on CAD and simulation packages.

Study facilities

The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.

Get a feel for the Health Professions facilities we have on offer here from wherever you are.


+44 (0)117 32 81158


45 credit level 4 module

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