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Professional Development

Tel: +44 (0)117 3281158, Option 1 for PD
followed by option: 1 for CHSS, 2 for CBAL or 3 for CATE

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Community Specialist Practice

Course Details

Course/Module Code





24-25 Accredited 20 credits



24-25 Non-Accredited 20 credits



Course Dates

Select course date below to see all attendance days and to apply.
If no course dates are shown below this could be due to high demand or no availability. If your course is being funded by your employer and they have bought places in advance you will need to contact them to be given the links to apply.

Course Dates

Course Information : PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MODULE IS RELEVANT FOR SPQ (DISTRICT NURSING) LEGACY STUDENTS ONLY (& NOT APPLICABLE AS CPD TO ANY OTHER APPLICANTS OR TO SPQ STUDENTS ON THE NEW PATHWAY) CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 27/03/24 (unless course already full). If the closing date has passed please contact us for availability. PLEASE ALSO NOTE: once your application status is showing as registered, it will take up to 5 working days for your login details for MyUWE to be issued by email. Please only contact us if you have not received after this time. Blackboard Assessment Date: to be confirmed by module leader. Online Assessment Days: Either 9th July 2025 or 10th July 2025 (please keep both dates free). NOTE: For parking on Glenside Campus, you will need to download a Parking Permit from the University - you will be able to do this once you have been registered on the University Student Information system.



Attendance days for the course

Thursday - 10 April 2025GLENSIDE CAMPUS09:00 - 16:00
Thursday - 24 April 2025GLENSIDE CAMPUS10:00 - 16:00
Thursday - 01 May 202509:00 - 16:00
Thursday - 08 May 2025GLENSIDE CAMPUS10:00 - 16:00
Thursday - 15 May 202509:00 - 16:00
Thursday - 22 May 2025GLENSIDE CAMPUS10:00 - 16:00
Thursday - 05 June 2025GLENSIDE CAMPUS10:00 - 16:00
Thursday - 12 June 202509:00 - 16:00
Thursday - 19 June 2025GLENSIDE CAMPUS10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday - 09 July 2025ONLINE09:00 - 16:00
Thursday - 10 July 2025ONLINE09:00 - 16:00




  • Completion of a portfolio evidencing the achievement of the NMC Specialist Practice (SP) standards (District Nursing) and 600 hours of supervised practice.
  • A 10 minute oral presentation in which you will critically reflect on an aspect of your learning and development during the programme, and identify how this will lead to improvements in care and services.  

Formative assessment will take place through supervision of group work and discussion, as well as tutorial support and review of draft work. 



Careers/further study

This level 6 (undergraduate level) module can contribute towards:

  • BSc(Hons) Specialist Practice (District Nursing)
  • BSc(Hons) Health and Social Care
  • MSc Specialist Practice (District Nursing)
  • MSc Advanced Practice
  • Professional Development Award


The module syllabus typically includes:

The theory and practice of Action Learning (AL) (online and in AL)

  • As a tool for self-development
  • Application in teams and with service users
  • Using AL to improve services and care

Reflective practice (online and in AL)

  • Theory and practice: key concepts

Course Director

Kathy Rogers

Entry Requirements

You must:

  • Have an active registration as an Adult Nurse on Part One of the register  
  • Be working in an area of practice that allows the student to meet the module learning outcomes.

If you are undertaking the Specialist Practitioner Qualification (SPQ), you must have completed a period of experience of sufficient length to have consolidated pre-registration outcomes and to have gained a deeper understanding in relevant professional practice.


On completion of this Community Specialist Practice level 6 (undergraduate level) module, you will be able to:

  • Evidence the achievement of the NMC SPQ standards (District Nursing) and practice hours.
  • Critically reflect on your learning and development over the course of the programme and identify how this will lead to improvements in care and services.
  • Identify areas in which you can develop professionally and personally, and strategies that will support your development.

Learning and Teaching

A variety of learning approaches will be used, which may include:

  • Seminars
  • Action Learning (AL)
  • ICT based platforms
  • Formative assessment opportunity

Study facilities

The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.

Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.


+44 (0)117 32 81158

You can also follow us on Twitter @UWEhasCPD.


20 credit level 6 module

Click here to ask us a question about this course. Please include your full name with your question. If required, please let us know if you want us to add you to the future dates mailing list. Alternatively you may email us directly at pd@uwe.ac.uk


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