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Professional Development

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Integrated Practice for Sexual and Reproductive Health

Course Details

Course/Module Code





24-25 Accredited 20 credits



24-25 Non-Accredited 20 credits



25-26 Accredited 20 Credits



25-26 Non Accredited 20 credits



Course Dates

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Assessment of this module comprises four elements:

  • Element 1: Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH) Online Theory Assessment (OTA). Assessment duration 60 minutes. In order to pass this element, you are required to engage with and complete the e-learning requirements specified by the FSRH.
  • Element 2: Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH) Assessment Half Day. This involves a combination of oral, written and practical assessments to demonstrate application of knowledge to practice.This is assessed by Faculty registered trainers under controlled conditions.
  • Element 3: FSRH Clinical Experience and Assessment (evidenced in the students' independent learning portfolios (ILP). Preparation and support for this element of assessment will be provided by a practice supervisor in clinical practice and a Faculty Registered Trainer.
  • A 1,500 word reflective assignment focusing on learning and professional development.



Careers/further study

We offer a project module, Promoting Sexual Health in Practice (UZVSQA-20-3) which is not competency assessed, and therefore not requiring a clinical placement.

Our modules can contribute towards a BSc/MSc qualification.


The syllabus content of this level 6 (undergraduate level) module includes:

  • evidence base of sexual health, for example, reducing unintended pregnancy
  • advocacy and empowerment of service users making choices
  • management of ill health to include assessing, planning and evaluating practice
  • holistic assessment of clients' physical, social and psychological needs
  • safeguarding; children, young people and vulnerable adults
  • promotion of sexual health
  • promoting healthy relationships
  • contraceptive needs of service users
  • sexually transmitted infections: impact and transmission
  • participate in integrated sexual health delivery
  • reflection on learning and professional development through the use of reflective frameworks

On successful completion of this Integrated Practice for Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare module, you will be able to:

  • discuss and appraise current policy, professional and clinical standards and broader public health priorities in relation to integrated sexual health delivery
  • collaborate effectively across the multi-disciplinary team to address clients' sexual health needs, utilising care pathways and evidence based practice
  • demonstrate professional accountability and governance for clinical decision making acknowledging ethical and legal factors which influence working practices in sexual health and safeguarding
  • demonstrate clinical competence in delivering a range of integrated sexual health practices
  • analyse opportunities, challenges, or limitations within professional practice

Course Director

Hettie Lean

Entry Requirements

You must be a first level nurse, recorded on the first part of the NMC register, a registered midwife or Allied Health Professional. Clinical competencies need to be achieved within the practice environment with support from identified sexual health nurse or doctor mentors and Faculty Registered Trainers


The aim of this 20 credit Integrated Practice for Sexual and Reproductive Health module is to facilitate nurses to achieve the Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (DFSRH); a nationally recognised accreditation for competence in contraception and sexual health and will be underpinned with theoretical and practical knowledge providing an academic component.

View the Integrated Practice for Sexual and Reproductive Health flyer (PDF).

Key Facts

For further information about part-funded places and to explore suitability to undertake this module, please contact Module Leader, Hettie.Lean@uwe.ac.uk

Learning and Teaching

Clinical competencies need to be achieved within the practice environment supported by mentors and Faculty Registered Trainers. Individual and academic support is provided by the University's Practice Educators.

This module uses a variety of teaching and learning strategies and includes the following:

  • Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare e-learning package and use of an e-portfolio
  • Seminar days
  • Clinical learning in practice

Scheduled learning (approximately 60 hours) includes e-learning, tutorials, demonstration, masterclass and seminars and learning in practice.

Independent learning (approximately 40 hours) includes hours engaged with essential reading and completion of an e-portfolio.

Learning in practice (approximately 100 hours)

Study facilities

The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.

Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.


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20 credit level 6 module

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