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Cross-sectional Anatomy for the Nuclear Medicine Practitioner

Course Details

Course/Module Code





25-26 Accredited 15 Credits



25-26 Non Accredited 15 Credits



Course Dates

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The level 7 (Masters level) module syllabus typically covers:

Regional and cross-sectional anatomy of the head, neck and trunk

  • Main organ and organ components, major lymphatic groups, relevant vascular anatomy
  • Use of computed tomography cross-sectional images to exemplify anatomy
  • Use of SPECT/CT images to illustrate common disease states relevant to Nuclear Medicine.

Using knowledge to support practice, and improve service delivery

  • Professional role development
  • Clinical decision-making.

Course Director

Simon King


On successful completion of this 15 credit online/distance learning module, Cross-sectional Anatomy for the Nuclear Medicine Practitioner, you will be able to:

  • Understand the regional anatomy of the head, neck and trunk
  • Identify the major organs, their components, vessels and major lymphatic structures in anatomical cross-section
  • Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of anatomical spatial relationships
  • Critically assess changes to normal anatomy in Nuclear Medicine relevant disease states
  • Relate structure to function and critically explore the effect of disease states on both of these
  • Critically discuss the application of anatomical and pathological knowledge to professional development and service improvement
  • Obtain, evaluate and synthesise information from a range of sources and use it to effectively develop understanding of cross-sectional anatomy.

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+44 (0)117 32 81158


15 credit level 7 module

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