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Professional Development

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Musculo-skeletal Rehabilitation

Course Details

Course/Module Code





25-26 Non Accredited 30 credits



25-26 Accredited 30 Credits



Course Dates

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  • A 15 minute case presentation with five to ten minutes of questions (20 minutes total).
  • A written assignment of 3,000 words which critically reviews the evidence for an aspect of management relating to the case study.

Opportunities for formative assessment will be provided during the contact study days.



Careers/further study

This level 7 (Masters level) module can contribute towards the MSc Rehabilitation.


The module syllabus typically includes:

  • Assessment and management of musculo-skeletal dysfunction.
  • Clinical reasoning skills in complex and long term musculo-skeletal conditions.
  • Shared decision making in musculo-skeletal problems.
  • The role of the musculo-skeletal first contact practitioner in primary care settings.
  • Advances and alternatives in current musculo-skeletal practice- to include when to request investigations, prescribe and use injections.
  • The development of a pro-active and preventative approach to care, support of patient self-management, facilitation of behavioural change and optimisation of individuals' physical activity, mobility, functional ability and independence.
  • Facilitation of return to, or management of occupations including work and leisure.
  • Musculo-skeletal focused intervention strategies (e.g., exercise), and evidence for these.
  • Manual therapy in a complex and long term musculo-skeletal caseload.
  • Symptom management and pacing of activities.
  • Adjuncts in musculo-skeletal management e.g. TENS, biofeedback, current electrotherapy modalities, where appropriate.
  • Chronic pain management, case study discussion e.g. Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome, chronic non-specific lower back pain, fibromyalgia, etc to include review of cognitive behavioural therapy.
  • Understanding of the multi-disciplinary team and other relevant services beyond the primary care team e.g., social services, private providers, equipment services.

Course Director

Jacqueline Mullan


On successful completion of this 30 credit Musculo-skeletal Rehabilitation module, you will be able to:

  • Explore the opportunities and challenges of high level decision making in assessment and management of complex and long term musculo-skeletal dysfunction
  • Critically review the role of the musculo-skeletal practitioner in the primary care setting
  • Create a range of valid and alternative repsonses to situations and analyse and evaluate the responses in a critical way
  • Critically evaluate the evidence to support clinical reasoning and decision making in complex musculo-skeletal conditions
  • Review the evidence base for the use of outcome measures in long term and complex musculo-skeletal dysfunction
  • Recognise the importance of reflective practice to promote innovative and flexible management of musculo-skeletal problems.

Learning and Teaching

Lectures/podcasts will provide an introduction and summary of the topic area. Seminars/group work will include discussion and the use of information provided to support learning.

Additionally, independent learning underpins the teaching and learning strategy of this module, supported by the module team which will involve case discussion and on line forums to discuss the opportunities and challenges of musculo-skeletal assessment and management.

Scheduled learning includes lectures, seminars, tutorials, project supervision, demonstration, practical classes and workshops.

Independent learning includes hours engaged with online activities, essential reading, case study preparation, assignment preparation and completion etc.

These sessions constitute an average time per level as indicated in the table below. Scheduled sessions may vary slightly depending on the module choices you make.

Study facilities

The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.

Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.


+44 (0)117 32 81158


30 credit level 7 module

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