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Professional Development

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Communications Campaigns: Creative Approaches and Tools

Course Details

Course/Module Code





Course Dates

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Participants who wish to receive credit for their learning can undertake the two assessed elements to the module:  

  • A group presentation in-class, 20 mins with 10 mins Q&A per group, (worth 25% of the overall mark)

Working in groups, students develop a campaign strategy - they then present this strategy together.

  • An individually authored report of 3,500 words, submitted online (worth 75% of the overall mark), which evaluates the campaign strategy presented in light of theories, concepts and practices covered by the module

On successful completion, the course credits may then be used towards one of our postgraduate qualifications in Sustainable Development in Practice

You may also use the credit towards one of UWE Bristol's postgraduate qualifications in Integrated Professional Development.



Careers/further study

This course forms one module of the MSc Sustainable Development in Practice. They may be taken separately or combined to build towards a Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma or MSc Award if desired.

Please note that if your enrolment in this course is with the aim of completing a Sustainable Development in Practice Award, you will also need to select the Sustainable Development in Practice Framework when completing the online booking form.


Participants will engage with a very wide range of resources and examples - from philosophical materials, critical theory, film and documentary photography, manifesto and campaigning handbooks, reports and evaluation materials. You will work in a group with other course participants to research and devise a campaign strategy with a specific focus on identifying and critically evaluating persuasive techniques and approaches.

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • identify the rhetorical strategies and tactics used in successful social movements and processes of cultural change;
  • critically evaluate the role of the media (print, image, broadcast and online) in the processes of communication and persuasion;
  • demonstrate an awareness of the ethical and political issues that arise in the use of persuasive communication and their rhetorical strategies;
  • devise and evaluate a campaign strategy aimed at changing cultural attitudes and behaviours that addresses a significant contemporary issue in sustainable development;
  • communicate complex material in a range of visual, written and oral forms;
  • situate your work within broader theoretical contexts and conceptual frameworks relevant to an understanding of processes of pro sustainability cultural change.

Course Director

Dr Georgina Gough


For specific questions in relation to the course, i.e. content, suitability, assessments, etc. please contact the Programme Leader, Georgina Gough (Georgina.Gough@uwe.ac.uk). For all queries regarding administration aspects of registration, i.e. dates, fees, etc. please contact us using the online enquiry form link or telephone number below.

Entry Requirements

Participants are expected to have a first degree at 2.2 level or above (or equivalent), or alternatively have industrial experience.

If you are a non-UK student you will need to show your valid passport on entry to the UK. Please check your eligibility to visit and study in the UK here. If you are a non-Irish EU national currently resident in Ireland please contact us for further advice.

If English is not your country's first language, you will be required to provide evidence to show you meet the UK Border Agency and the University's minimum English Language requirements.

We strongly recommend that you speak to the course tutor prior to the course if you are unsure about your suitability to complete the assessment.


The School of Architecture and Environment offers a portfolio of short courses that focus on the urgent challenges faced by organisations, communities and government in effecting sustainable change in individual behaviour, business practice and wider society.

This course is suitable for professionals in an existing communications, campaigning or sustainability role who need to update their knowledge and skills, as well as career changers and recent graduates who are looking to build and differentiate their CV in the highly competitive sustainability sector.

This course is designed to enable you to develop and evaluate a communication strategy aimed at changing cultural understanding, attitudes and behaviours in regard to sustainable development. The course will introduce you to a range of historically significant campaigns and social movements and it will support you to examine the various ways in which the issue and proposed change is presented across a range of different media forms.You will also be introduced to a range of contemporary case studies which make innovative use of social media in the dissemination of information and in the planning and implementation of significant events and demonstrations.

Key Facts

This course can count towards a postgraduate qualification in Sustainable Development in Practice

Learning and Teaching

The courses are taught through a mixture of face-to-face and independent learning, comprising weekly lectures and workshops (over 5 Fridays) and group discussion. The pattern of contact sessions is highly accessible for those who wish to study part-time.

You will be given access to orientation materials with links to a range of resources, archives a nd potential examples and case studies.

Some initial exercises will be set in preparation for the first workshop. Workshop one will immerse you in a range of historical and contemporary case studies of cultural change through a combination of talks, practical exercises and workshop activities.

Workshops two and three will support you to engage in connecting theories and practices of communicating for pro-sustainability change. Through practical exercise you will develop a campaign brief and begin the development of your portfolio and campaign materials.

Workshop three will be based around further practical exercises through which you will finalise campaign materials and devise a presentation. Assessed group presentations will take place three weeks after this.

You will be sharing resources, skills, aptitudes and perspectives with fellow course participants throughout. Staff will be monitoring the progress of the group project through group and individual online tutorials. There will be further opportunities for face to face tutorial support during the scheduled workshops.

Study facilities

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+44 (0)117 32 81043 (option 1, then option 3)

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